"Good morning, jewelry junkies!"

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Just saw the new Temple St. Clair line in my local Target. The jury is still out on it--meaning I, the jury. More later . . . (Count on it!)



prez said...

How does this help her brand?
Target is a nice store, but, thats not where i think her goodies belong. Does anybody else?

Melis Elizabeth Blogs said...

I agree prez. I think quite a few designers are doing this right now because sales in the jewelry world tend to not surpass $30 as often anymore. As a sometimes target shopper, I wouldn't find myself thrilled to wear these jewels because they are "Temple St. Clair." I think they're just the usual target costume jewelry. You wear it if you like it, but not because "its Temple." In that case, they could've just skipped the Temple branding and not risked sullying the brand image.